

Log in to Payoneer

Payoneer is conducting a campaign. At the time of the initial $ 100 deposit $ 25 cash back I will. Try to login.


Enter your personal information


Try to enter your personal information.
What I have is only the image of the Japanese. But you ought to be able to understand.

Set the card account


You need to configure the account. Set the username and password, enter the secret answer.
User name and password that you enter at this time, I use to log into my account. Please do not forget.

Checking the input information


You will need to enter the following identification. Need to write a driver's license or passport or ID. After entering all, please check.

Card billing procedure is completed. Card will be sent home at a later date.

However, you will need to present proof of identification to Payoneer yet. In addition, it is also necessary for the account authentication procedure.
It is presented in the following pages.

Account authentication

TPlease check your mailbox. 2 emails should have come from Payoneer.
Detailed description is carried out on the next page.

Account authentication